52歌赋>英语词典>code word翻译和用法

code word

英 [ˈkəʊd wɜːd]

美 [ˈkoʊd wɜːrd]

n.  代码字; 码字



  • N-COUNT (事先约定的)代号,暗号
    Acode wordis a word or phrase that has a special meaning, different from its normal meaning, for the people who have agreed to use it in this way.
    1. ...magnum, the code word for launching a radar attack.
  • N-COUNT (尤指公众人物为避免某个词汇而使用的)代名词
    Acode wordis a word or phrase that someone, especially a public figure, uses in order to avoid saying something else.
    1. I think nationalism is just a code word for racism...
      我认为民族主义不过是种族主义的代名词 。
    2. 'Tired and emotional' is a code word for being drunk.


  • Incremental redundancy technology is proposed to instead of traditional Chase merger, which combine incremental redundancy transmission is mainly incremental redundancy code word, to increase the probability of correct decoding and increase the data throughput.
  • I think nationalism is just a code word for racism
  • It's a code word we use to positively identify you in case you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification.
  • The biggest characteristic of Golomb code is to choose the length to variable-length coding method, which can reduce code word length of growth rate.
  • It's no good. I don't know the code word.
  • Chapter operations to write a program, the input image Huffman, display the original image entropy encoded average code word length, and be able to reconstruct the image according to encoding.
  • Secondly, language liked to uses grand, the imposing manner broad words and expressions manifested Dongting Lake positive to be just beautiful. Also language liked to uses "Xiaoxiang"," Chu "and so on code word enhanced enhancement poetry mood meaning.
  • The code word of variable length code comprises of prefix and suffix. No code word is a prefix of any other code word in the set.
  • In addition, owing to the adoption of the fast code word search algorithm, the improved speech coder overcomes the shortcoming of the long time-delay and performs efficiently in real time speech communication, which makes a foundation for the deeper research.
  • The Viterbi algorithm, proposed in 1967 by Viterbi, is a maximum-likelihood algorithm for convolutional codes. The Viterbi decoder attempts to find the maximum-likelihood function of the decoded code word against received code word.